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The Rising of KOL

Monday, 16 March 2020 08:42 Read 9097 times

Gathering in an event with people who has the same interest and passion is not an easy job. However, KOL is able to delight your event with the perfect and specific type of audience right away. They are well known in the social platform who are recognized as referential people with their field. Communicating with people through online by sharing their thoughts or showing the used & benefits of a product. With their high communication skill and expertly statues, KOL is able to boost awareness around the world where they can identify your ideal type of audience immediately.


KOL, Key Opinion Leader who spend most of their time online, creating interesting content that draws attention across worldwide. They are also identified as influencers who share a certain topic of entertainment through a blog, live stream, vlog, etc. Enhancing online audience with their specialist knowledge and advises which leads them to gain numerous amount of faithful fans and unimaginable viewers. This role has made them into a different range of Influencer, depending on the followers they gained through social media. Most of the successful influencers are in the range of Micro and Mid-Tier Influencer which has a minimum of 10K followers. Further up, world-famous KOL who had appeared in numerous entertainment shows and created their own brand of products are usually known as Macro or Mega Influencer. Spending most of their time online and expanding their social platform with more than 500K followers.

According to the number of followers on their social platforms, KOL can be more popular than celebrities. As Mark Tanner has once stated that, “Celebrities may be highly well-known but they might not hold a huge amount of clout with the target market.” This definitely states the power and influence of a KOL can be. Since each KOLs has its own topic of entertainment, they also have a specific audience who loved following & watching them through the social platform. The categories are from beauty, travels, foods, lifestyles, cooking, and more with their amazingly creative content and great communication skill to advertise your brand and product to the next level. Attracting your ideal audience's attention with a non-stoppable rise in sales.

Social Media has become one of the most used media around the world where everyone can reach out for one and another. Including sharing their unique and interesting projects online. Therefore, as an event planner in Malaysia, we would follow the current famous trends online to plan an unimaginable event with Malaysia KOL and even international KOL for you. Our new service is going to unlock soon to serve you with more variety. Please stay tuned!

For any inquiries / bookings of KOL, please contact us at:
(o) +603-7932 1001
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