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P.Ramlee Golden Replay

Monday, 08 April 2019 09:13 Read 4417 times

P. Ramlee - A legendary persona celebrated since the golden era of 40’s, he was famous in film & music industry where his creative influence lives till this very day. His art work and talents are widely recognized, having paved him a road of fame all the way from Malaysia to Singapore, continued to Brunei and Sumatra, Indonesia, as well as in Hong Kong and Japan. An all-around wearer of multiple hats, he was a film actor, director, singer, songwriter, scriptwriter, musician, composer, and producer.

Since young, P. Ramlee has shown great interest in music and has started picking up the ukulele, guitar and violin since schooling days. His career journey kick started when he first joined a singing competition held by Penang Radio which eventually led him to many other opportunities in the competitive entertainment world. Throughout the years, he has created many masterpieces which mostly are still favorite of many these days such as songs like 'Getaran Jiwa', 'Bunyi Guitar', 'Madu Tiga' and movies titles namely 'Bujang Lapok', 'Anak-ku Sazali' and 'Ibu Mertuaku'.

And in celebration of his undying legacy, let us continue to bask in the glory season of P. Ramlee this festive Raya featuring our classic P. Ramlee Tribute Show. Starring our very own renowned theatre performer Tony Eusoff, whom also led the same role in P. Ramlee The Musical, performing a live sensational show with all of P. Ramlee's finest numbers.

For any inquiries / bookings of our 'P. Ramlee Tribute Show', please contact us at:
(o) +603-7932 1001
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